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Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions

1. encounter: meet or be faced by (something bad, esp. a danger or a difficulty)
  The plane encountered a storm over the Rockies.
  They encountered little resistance to the plan.

2. infect: fill with disease, germs; give disease to (a person)
  This meat is infected because of the hot weather.
  The flu virus infected almost the entire class.

3. transmit: send or pass from one person, place or thing to another
  The material was transmitted by satellite throughout the world.
  This kind of disease sometimes transmits to humans.

4. clean up: clean thoroughly
  IT staff is the very people to clean up the viruses.
  It is your turn to clean (the bedroom) up.

5. in place: in the right or proper place
  The books were in place on the shelves.
  He nodded approvingly, his wide grin still in place.

6. ensure: make (something certain) to happen
  He would, when in office, ensure that all secret data be made public.
  His industry and ability will ensure his success.

7. adequate: enough for the purpose
  What should be done to assure adequate supplies of energy?
  There was adequate rain and snow last winter.

8. detect: find out; notice
  Small quantities of poison were detected in the dead man's stomach.
  I seemed to detect some anger in his voice.

9. update: make more modern or up-to-date
  The information will need updating from time to time.
  The speech had been corrected and updated after the last-minute reports from abroad.

10. identify: prove or show who or what somebody is or something is
  Could you identify your umbrella among a hundred others?
  The light was too dim for me to identify her.

11. set in: begin and (probably) continue
  Fortunately the wound was treated before infection could set in.
  I must try and get my garden tidied up before the bad weather sets in.

12. perceive: become aware of, esp. through the eyes or the mind
  On entering his house, we at once perceived him to be a man of taste.
  She gradually perceived that her parents had been right.

13. in the first place: at an earlier, more appropriate time
  Why didn't you tell us that in the first place?
  Nobody can remember what was agreed in the first place.

14. at risk: in danger
  The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.
  The economy still fell further, putting more jobs at risk.

15. conflict: disagreement; opposition
  They tried to stir up conflicts between us.
  No one expected this to be the last conflict between the two countries.

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