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        Words & Expressions
  ★Usage of Some Key Words and Expressions  

adequate   adj. enough or satisfactory 足够的,令人满意的

agenda   n. a list of the subjects to be dealt with or talked about at a meeting 议程

albeit   conj. even though 尽管

amusement   n. something that makes one?s time pass pleasantly 消遣

attachment   n. thing that is or can be attached 附件

boot   n. ( 电脑 ) 引导启动程序

complacency   n. a feeling of satisfaction with oneself or with a situation especially without good reason 沾沾自喜

continual   adj. repeated often and over a long time 多次重复的; 频繁的

detection   n discovering 发现

distribution   n. giving or delivering to a number of people or places 散发; 散布

document   n. a paper or set of papers with written or printed information; the same thing transmitted by fax or email 文件

download   v. copy or move (programs or information) into a computer?s memory 下载

executable   adj. 可执行的

firewall   n. ( 互联网 ) 防火墙

gateway   n. 网关 , 网间联接器

guarantee   n. a formal declaration or promise that something will be done 保证

hacker   n.

( 电脑 ) 黑客

harbor   v. give protection to 庇护

infect   v. cause illness by the movement of an organism into a living thing 传染

inflict   v. force (something or someone unpleasant or unwanted) on someone 使遭受 , 强加给

innocent   adj. knowing nothing of evil or wrong 纯真的

kick-start   n. ( 脚踏 ) 启动器

killjoy   n. a person who intentionally spoils the pleasure of other people 令人扫兴的人

link   n. one ring or loop of a chain ( 链的 ) 环

malicious   adj. 恶毒的

myth   n. 神话

odd   adj. occasional 偶尔的

ogre   n. a very frightening person ( 传说中 ) 极可怕的人

one-off   adj. happening, done, or made only once 一次性的

pirated   adj. 盗版的

precautionary   adj. 预防性的

recede   v. move back or away 逐渐消退

screensaver   n. ( 电脑 ) 屏幕保护

sector   n. any of the parts into which an area is divided 区域

server   n. a central computer from which other computers obtain information 服务器

threat   n. an expression of an intention to hurt, punish, cause pain 威胁 , 恐吓

transmission   n. 传播

transmit   v. send 传播

unauthorized   adj. without official permission 未经授权的

unlicensed   adj. 未经注册的

unsolicited   adj. not requested 未经请求的

up-to-date   adj. including or having all the latest information 最新的

update   v. make more modern or suitable for use now by adding new information or changing its design 更新

urban   adj. of or in a city or town 城市的
vector   n. an insect or animal which carries a disease from one animal or plant to another 疾病传播媒介
virus   n. 病毒
vitally   ad. extremely 极其

  · Phrases and Expressions

as a matter of course

as a regular habit or usual procedure 例行地

at risk

in danger 处于危险

before you know it

very quickly and suddenly 很快地

clean up

clean thoroughly and remove anything unwanted 清除

come across (as)

make an impression of ... 给人以...的印象

good old days

periods in history or in one's personal past, when conditions of life and work were better 往日的美好时光

in / at the back of one's mind

in one's thoughts, but not of immediate or great concern 有...的意识

in pursuit of

with the aim of obtaining 追求

in use

being used 在使用中


make unsuccessful by failing to achieve a good enough standard 使...失灵 , 使...不能发挥水平

more often than not

in most cases 经常

or so

about 大约

pick up

notice 注意到

set in (something unhappy) begins and seems likely to continue 开始

  ·Proper Names



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