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Related Information

1. The Internet

The Internet is a computer network made up of thousands of networks worldwide. An Internet user has access to a wide variety of services: electronic mail, file transfer, vast information resources, interest group membership, interactive collaboration, multimedia displays, real-time broadcasting, shopping opportunities, breaking news, and much more.

2. Email

Electronic Mail (email) is the most frequently used application of the Internet. Many people who have access to the Internet at school, home, and work, use the Internet for no other purpose than to send and receive email.Email allows computer users locally and worldwide to exchange messages. Each user of email has a mailbox address to which messages are sent. Messages sent through email can arrive within a matter of seconds.

3. Computer Virus

A computer virus is a program that invades your computer system, hides there, and makes copies of itself. Viruses spread when you launch an infected application or start up your computer from a disk that has infected system files.

All computer viruses are manmade. A simple virus that can make a copy of itself over and over again is relatively easy to produce. Even such a simple virus is dangerous because it will quickly use all available memory and bring the system to a halt

4. Macro Viruses

Macro viruses are computer viruses that use an application's own macro programming language to distribute themselves. These macros have the potential to inflict damage to the document or to other computer software. The infecting files can be modified or deleted and may not be recoverable.

5. Melissa

Melissa affects Word documents. If launched, the macro virus will attempt to start Microsoft Outlook to send copies of the infected document via email to up to 50 people in Outlook’s address book as an attachment.

6. The Love Bug

The Love Bug virus is also called the Loveletter Virus, or simply I Love You.nThe virus is circulating through email and affecting many customers. If run, the virus could overwrite .jpg, .mp3, and other file types, and attempt to send a copy of itself to everyone in the recipient's address book. The e-mail containing the virus typically carries a subject line of "ILOVEYOU". Inside the mail is a short message saying "Kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me" and an attachment named LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.txt.vbs.

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