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        You Are the Weakest Link, Goodbye

 Do you remember the good old days? Innocent times spent sharing documents and executable files without a care in the world. Okay, every month or so you might encounter a boot sector virus — but they were easy to deal with even if the anti-virus software didn't pick them up.    还记得美好的往日时光吗?在那样的纯真年代,我们共享文档和可执行文件,根本没有半点顾虑。不错,每隔一个月左右你可能会碰到一个引导扇区病毒,不过这些很容易对付,就算杀毒软件没有把它查出来也不要紧。

 But those long lazy summers disappeared too fast. Macro viruses made Information Technology (IT) administrators grow up fast as they realized there was a type of virus which could spread very quickly throughout an organization. It wasn't unusual to find hundreds of computers within personal company infected by viruses transmitted via email attachments. The IT staff were amongst the fittest departments in your company, running from Personal Computer (PC) to the next cleaning them up.    那些长长的夏日,悠闲自得,可惜消逝得太快。宏病毒使IT管理者们迅速成长起来,他们意识到有的病毒能迅速扩散到整个机构。一家公司里的数百台计算机感染了通过电子邮件附件传播的病毒,也是十分平常的事。公司各部门中身体最好的当属IT员工,因为他们奔走于各台计算机之间,清理病毒。

 There had to be a better way. Companies now realize that viruses aren't "urban myths", and can have a serious impact on their operations. They invest in anti-virus software on the desktops, servers and email gateways and even put in place procedures to ensure their anti-virus is up-to-date with the very latest detection routines.    防病毒得想个更好的办法才行。各家公司现在都意识到病毒并不是“现代神话”,而确实会严重影响到公司的运作。他们投资杀毒软件,安装在计算机、服务器以及电子邮件网关上,甚至还采取措施确保使用最新的检查程序,随时更新杀毒软件。

 It sounds like companies have put in place adequate defenses to protect against viruses. But have they?   听起来好像各公司已经采取了充分的措施防范病毒。可事实真的如此吗?

 Anti-virus software detects most of the viruses your users are likely to encounter — often without the user even knowing. However, the software must be updated regularly, preferably daily in any large company. Even then, a very new virus can infect your users. With the rapid transmission of files through networks and the Internet, a virus can spread a considerable distance before it can be identified and protected against. Fortunately, only a few viruses ever do this but the likes of Melissa and the Love Bug can inflict serious damage before their progress is stopped. Whilst employees become suddenly aware during the ensuing media excitement, they soon forget about the virus threat as the stories disappear from the news headlines.   杀毒软件确实能检测出用户会碰到的绝大多数病毒,而且往往在用户毫不察觉时就已经处理完毕。然而,软件必须定期更新,大公司则最好是每天更新一次。即使是这样,新的病毒也还是可能感染用户。通过网络和互联网,文件可以快速地传输,等到人们发现一种病毒并加以防范时,病毒可能已经扩散到了相当的范围。好在只有少数几种病毒有这么大的破坏力,不过像梅利莎和爱虫病毒则是例外,人们还来不及制止,它们就已经造成了严重的破坏。然后媒体轰动,员工会突然警觉起来,但一旦新闻头条不再报道这些事件,他们就会很快将其抛之脑后。

 This is the danger. Complacency can set in when there is no perceived "action" on the virus front with no global crisis, and the importance of being vigilant about viruses recedes in your users' minds. They forget what the big deal was in the first place — after all,anti-virus software deals with the viruses, doesn't it? And isn't it the IT department's job to look after this sort of thing?    这正是危险所在。若病毒战线没有能察觉到的“大动作”,也没有全球性的危机,人们就会洋洋自得,对病毒保持警惕的重要性的意识就会在用户的脑子中渐渐淡化。他们会忘掉这件首要大事——毕竟杀毒软件会对付病毒,不是吗?何况,这不也正是IT部门的职责所在吗?

 Before you know it your users are opening unsolicited attachments once more, downloading unauthorized software, and putting your company's data and credibility at risk. All because the users think that they are working in a safe environment. Employees see anti-virus software, firewalls and IT departments as guarantees that their computers will work and be safe. Of course, there aren't any guarantees. Anti-virus software plays one, albeit important, part in the defense of your company from malicious attack but the security of your computer system is only as strong as the weakest link. And that, more often than not, is the human factor.    你还没有反应过来,用户们又一次打开了来历不明的附件,下载了非法软件,将公司的数据资料和信誉置于危险之中。这一切都是因为用户们认为他们的操作环境很安全。员工们认为杀毒软件、防火墙以及IT部门足以保障他们的计算机正常运作,而且没有危险。其实保障根本没有的。杀毒软件的作用固然很重要,但在保护公司不受恶意攻击的战斗中,只能起到一定的作用。公司的计算机系统安全与否实际上系于最薄弱的一个环节,而这个环节往往就是人的因素。

 No employer wants to come across as a killjoy or an ogre. Most will willingly accept that the happiest employees are those who feel that they are respected and trusted by their employer. Many companies accept that employees will send and receive a certain amount of personal email and make the odd personal telephone call.    身为雇主,谁都不愿扮演令人扫兴或者令人生畏的角色。大多数人都愿意相信,员工若能感受到雇主的尊重和信任,肯定会很开心的。很多公司都默许员工接发一定数量的私人电子邮件,偶尔打一两个私人电话。

 However, the worry comes when employees start risking company security in pursuit of personal amusement. Funny screensavers and games downloaded from the Internet can seem harmless enough but they could easily be harboring a dangerous virus.    但是,如果员工为了追求个人乐趣而置公司安全于不顾,就着实堪忧了。从互联网上下载有趣的屏保或者游戏,看起来好像没有危险,不过它们很可能是危险病毒的藏身之所。

Software downloaded from the net is often unlicensed and unsupported, and may cause conflicts with existing software in use at your company. Unlicensed, pirated software is an ideal vector for a computer virus. Virus writers and hackers often use such software as the ideal "kick-start" for their virus distribution.   从网上下载的软件经常是无使用授权的,而且不提供支持,可能与公司使用的其他软件发生冲突。未经许可的盗版软件是计算机病毒的理想的携带者,制造病毒者以及黑客们经常利用这类软件作为病毒扩散的理想开端。

It is vitally important that employees be educated about the virus threat but this cannot be a one-off event. The potential threat should always be in the back of an employee's mind and precautionary measures should be taken as a matter of course. There is no harm in reminding people about what could happen if they let their guard down. In the end, education is the key to a virus-free environment and this is a continual process. It may not be the most exciting thing on the agenda but it works.    对员工进行有关病毒危害的教育至关重要,但这种教育不能一劳永逸。员工的潜意识里应该随时留意潜在的危险,而且应该总是采取防范措施。应该提醒人们如果放松警惕会有什么后果。归根结底,营造无病毒环境,教育才是关键,而且应该坚持不懈。这可能不是日程表上最激动人心的事,但是行之有效。

 The lesson is simple. You can have the best software in the world protecting your company's defenses; you can even be the biggest IT company in the world; but without your users practicing safe computing they will always be the weakest link.    道理很简单。你也许拥有世界上最好的软件来保护公司的防护系统,甚至可能是世界上最大的IT公司,但如果你的用户不注意计算机的使用安全,他们将始终是最薄弱的环节。


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©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007