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 Read and think> Exercise 12

12. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. What can we learn about Louis's family when he was young? 
A) They hardly had to struggle for their lives.
B) They could barely make enough money for their needs.
C) They would get a discount on their rent.
D) They were unfortunate although they lived in a great country.

2. Louis's father could get a discount on condition that _________. 
A) he used a machine to pick up litter
B) he worked in a cardboard-box factory
C) he got up at 3 A.M. every day
D) he cleaned the parking lot three nights a week

3. By saying that "there is dignity in all work" the author means that _________. 
A) we should honor those who work hard to support their families
B) he will never forget working in the parking lot
C) people should work hard to make a living
D) no matter what job one does, one deserves respect

4. What made Suze's customer lend her money according to the passage? 
A) Her maturity.
B) Her faithfulness.
C) Her honesty.
D) Her success.

5. Which of the following proverbs best describes the story of the waitress? 
A) One never loses by doing a good turn.
B) One cannot see the forest for the trees.
C) One may change places but not change the grief.
D) One may see daylight through a little hole.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007