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 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Directions: Look at the following advertisements for clothes. What do you think of the clothes advertised here? Do you feel tempted to buy them? And do you often turn to advertising when you buy clothes? Explain your ideas.

 Words and phrases likely to be used
 ·mean different things
 ·a simple necessity
 ·a style
 ·reflect a person
 ·be concerned with
 ·look to
 ·stay in fashion
 ·look like the models
 Sentence patterns likely to be used
 ·To my mind,…
 ·They are really…
 ·I’m tempted to…whenever…
 ·I am (a lover of fashion), so…
 ·Advertising is a big influence.
 ·As for me, I’m not so influenced by…
 ·I don’t believe…
 ·Advertising is…
 ·What’s more, I can’t afford…
 ·I think clothing shows…
 ·Clothing is important in that…
 ·People often judge you by…
 ·I never question/care…
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