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Course 2 > Unit 3 > Passage A > Exercise
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 Read and complete > Exercise 4

4. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 image  concerned  attractive  belongings  define
 statement  fascination  despite  necessity  item

1. Company loyalty made him turn down many job offers. 
2. Miller's with medieval art dates from her childhood. 
3. His that he had nothing to do with the affair was greeted with some suspicion. 
4. There are good novelists, the terrible flood of bad novels and poor work. 
5. The shops are well stocked with food, clothing and other consumer . 
6. Something is worrying me, but I can't exactly what it is. 
7. She had a clear of how she would look in twenty years' time. 
8. The agency is more with making arty ads than understanding its clients(客户). 
9. The dead soldier was identified only by his uniform and personal . 
10. Food and clothing are the bare of life. 

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007