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 Read and simulate > Exercise 8

8. Read and compare the English sentences, paying attention to their italicized parts and translate the Chinese sentences by simulating the structure of the English sentences.

 Choice Sentences  Simulated Reproduction  Translation
  1.I’ve never stopped to question whether I’m getting what I’m paying for, though I’ve always been a “smart” shopper, a sale shopper.   I’ve never stopped to question whether I’m trying hard enough to become what I’m expected to be though I’ve always been a “smart” student.    我从来没有停止考虑过我是否适合成为父母要我去做的人,虽然我一直听从父母的意愿。
  2.All the things I want and buy are influenced by what magazines, television, and other advertisers tell me I need to buy.   All the things he has done are influenced by what his parents tell him he needs to do.    一个人所做的所有事情都受到他的习惯、个性或生活方式的影响,是他的习惯、个性或生活方式告诉他需要这样做。
 3.College is a place where typically no one knows you at first, so you can be whoever you want to be.  College is a place where scholars gather, so you can improve yourself by learning from them.    大学是一个你可以与教授、学者一起工作的地方,因而你可以学习成为你想探索的任何领域的专门人才。
  4.Although I look to ads for the upcoming styles, I am still affected by the underlying images behind them.   Although she looks to fashion models for the latest dress designs, she is still affected by the traditional education she has received.    虽然我常翻阅杂志查看流行时尚,但仍然受到传统服装样式的影响。
 5.Because human nature makes us want to be popular and glamorous, we follow the lead ads give us.  Because his personality makes him want to be famous, he follows the lead the pop stars give us.   因为人的本性让我们愿意打扮漂亮,所以我们往往跟着时尚模特的样子做。

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