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Course 2 > Unit 3 > Passage A > Exercise
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 Read and complete > Exercise 6

6.Fill in each blank with a word from Passage A according to the definition given in the brackets. The number of the paragraph in which the target word appears is also supplied in the brackets. Change the form where necessary.

1. You will spend lots on clothes if you always follow the . (the way of dressing that is popular at a certain time: Para. 1)
2.We were very sympathetic with the sufferings of the flood . (people or animals that are injured, killed or hurt by somebody or something: Para. 1)
3.They are going to make an important decision that will the company’s future. (influence: Para. 5)
4.The essential of transport for the islanders remained the rowboat. (a method or way of doing: Para. 6)
5.The of beer did not go down when the tax on it was raised. (the act of consuming or an amount consumed: Para. 6)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007