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 Read and think> Exercise 12

12. Choose the best answer to each question with the information from the passage.

1. What factors contributed to the narrator's failure in losing her weight at first? 
A) Her unhealthy lifestyle and passion for cooking.
B) Her improper cooking and unhealthy eating habits.
C) Her unwillingness to abandon low-fat desserts.
D) Her disinelination to exercise herself.

2. What did the narrator do as she kept on gaining weight? 
A) She decided to stay away from home.
B) She tried a few low-fat diets.
C) She bought herself clothes of larger size
D) She could do nothing except feeling deprived and guilty.

3. The narrator's story tells us that _________. 
A) trial and error is important in learning cooking
B) it is important to have a balanced diet
C) cooking by oneself will make one healthy
D) reading cookbooks will help to forma a good eating habit

4. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage? 
A) She didn't attend the New Year's Eve party because of her weight.
B) Her dream of becoming a beautiful girl came true after she lost weight.
C) She missed the opportunity to attend college because of her self-consciousness.
D) She didn't seriously consider losing weight until she realized how fat she was.

5. It can be concluded from the passage that _________. 
A) it is important to act upon some tips in order to keep fit
B) one will live a healthy life if one cooks every day
C) improper eating habits lead to gaining weight easily
D) one will feel deprived if one fails to give attention to one's body

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007