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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. It can be concluded that a victim of advertising is one __________. 
A) whose choices are influenced by advertising when doing shopping
B) who never questions about the money one pays for one's shopping
C) whose room is cluttered with a lot of expensive clothes
D) who buys a lot of expensive name-brand clothes

2. What does the author mean by calling herself "a 'smart' shopper"? 
A) She follows advertisements to do her shopping.
B) She doesn't buy clothes at their original prices, but when they are on sale.
C) She always asks herself if she's getting what she's paying for.
D) She usually buys expensive name-brand items.

3. When in college, the author still sticks to advertising because __________. 
A) she wants to identify herself with her friends
B) she wants to find the style that portrays who she is
C) she wants to wear name-brands to show that she is a rich girl
D) she wants to make sure she is always in fashion

4. Advertising influences us in all of the following ways except that __________.  
A) it presents the model for us to follow
B) it uses our own insecurities against us
C) it encourages the development of personality
D) it reveals our weaknesses to force us to change

5. We can infer that __________.  
A) nobody can avoid being influenced by advertising
B) advertising will go on using our weakness to work against us
C) many people will stop reading magazines to avoid being influenced by advertising
D) knowledge about marketing enables one to see how advertising functions

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007