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 Talk about it > Exercise 9

9. Directions: Computer viruses are a constant threat to companies and other organizations as well as home users. Say something about how computer viruses spread and how companies should protect against computer viruses.

 Words and phrases likely to be used
 email attachments
 unlicensed and pirated software
 download from the net
 put at risk
 update regularly
 the virus threat
 take measures
 remind of/about
 practice safe computing
 Sentence patterns likely to be used
 Computer viruses spread via…
 You are likely to…
 Downloaded software can seem harmless but…
 Anti-virus software detects…
 However, anti-virus software must be…
 Even then, a new virus can…before…
 The human factor plays an important part in…
 They become aware…
 They soon forget about…
 So, it’s vitally important that…
 There is no harm in…
 It is the key to…
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