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Notes to Text

1.correspond: exchange letters (with)
  Examples: Janet and Bob corresponded for many years before they met.
  He regularly corresponds with his brother.

2. swear: state firmly
  Examples: He said he was there all the time, but I swear I never saw him.
  I could have sworn that there was somebody in the next room.

3. recall: remember
  Examples: I can recall stories that my mother told me years ago.
  I still can recall your saying to me that you were going to be a lawyer.
  I don’t recall that he took any part in that conversation.

4. assume: take as true
  Examples: You assume his innocence before hearing the evidence against him.

5. figure out: work out; understand by thinking
  Examples: It didn’t take Jimmie very long to figure out the situation.

6. get rid of: free oneself from (something unwanted)
  Examples: It took me a month to get rid of my cough.

7. queue: form or join a line while waiting
  Examples: They queued for hours to get in.

8. delete: cut out (esp. something written or printed)
  Examples: If you delete 50 words, we can put the whole story on one page.

9. afflict: cause to suffer in the body or mind; trouble
  Examples: Famine and war still afflict mankind.

10. pour into: arrive or enter somewhere in very large numbers
  Examples: Tourists pour into London during the summer months.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007