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1. Josh Quittner (author)

A graduate of Grinnell College and the Columbia School of Journalism, Josh Quittner is managing editor of ON magazine (formerly TIME Digital) a monthly guide to personal technology. He is responsible for the editorial direction of the magazine, development of stories and the expansion of its web site, onmagazine.com. Quittner was named one of top 20 most influential technology journalists two years in a row by ADWEEK's Technology Marketing magazine.

2. Mexico

Mexico is the largest Spanish-speaking country and the second-largest Roman Catholic nation in the world. Mexico City, the capital, is one of the world's fastest-growing metropolitan areas with an estimated population of 18 million.

3. Yucatan, Mexico

The Yucatan peninsula has been the home of the Maya for at least 4,000 years. Breathtaking sculpture and mural-covered pyramids stand witness to the magnificent civilization, which formerly existed here. Today, thatch-covered houses and hand-embroidered costumes of villagers are vivid reminders that the Maya are still very much alive.

4. Andromeda Strain

Andromeda Strain is a movie which combines a classic science-fiction theme (disaster virus) with a contemporary distrust of political affairs. The concept is simple: "A top-secret government team investigating rare diseases, some so bizarre they seem to come from outer space." It was directed by Robert Wise and adapted from novel by Michael Crichton

5. The Homepage Virus

VBSWG.X, also known as Homepage, is an e-mail worm found on May 9th, 2001. Homepage worm spreads using Outlook Application. It sends messages with the content as shown in the picture right: When the attached file is executed, the worm will send (mass mail) itself to each recipient in every address book. Then the worm tries to hide the mass mailing. It deletes all messages from Inbox and Deleted Items folders which contain a subject 'Homepage'.

6. The Philippines

The Philippines is an independent island nation in the western Pacific Ocean some 800 km off the coast of mainland Southeast Asia. Over centuries foreign elements have been added to the native Malay culture, creating a culture that reflects both Eastern and Western influences.

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007