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Words & Expressions

accursed   adj. causing great annoyance 可恨的

afflict   v. cause to suffer in the body or mind 使 ( 身心 ) 受痛苦 , 折磨

army ant     行军蚁

bear   v. show ; carry 具有; 显示

birthplace   n. the place where someone was born 出生地

browser   n. 浏览器

bug   v.
annoy, worry or upset 打搅
any small insect ; any annoying insect 虫子
colony   n. a group of the same type of animals, insects or plants living or growing in the same place 一群

cordon   v. surround with a line of police ; securely protect an area 围起警戒线

correspond   v. communicate by writing letters 通信

curse   v. express a wish that great misfortune would happen to 咒骂

delete   v. cross out or deliberately omit ; remove permanently 删除

doom-laden   adj. 充满厄运的

dread   adj. causing great fear or anxiety ; terrible 令人畏惧的; 可怕的

dumb   adj. stupid and annoying 愚蠢的

feverish   adj. 炽热的

folk   n. people, especially those of a particular group or type 人们

gingerly   ad. in a way that is careful and controlled in movement so as not to cause harm 小心地

goofy   adj. silly ; stupid 愚蠢的

ironic   adj. 讽刺性的

irony   n. a course of events or a condition which has the opposite result from what is expected 讽刺

laden   adj. carrying or holding a lot of something 装满的

mea culpa   n. an acknowledgment of a personal error or fault 承认过错

missive   n. an official, formal or long letter ; informally, any letter or communication 信件

newbies   n. 网络新手

outrace   v. pass in speed or performance 超过

pitch   v. set up (for a short time) 搭(帐篷),扎(营)

porn   n. pornography 色情

protection   n. (a way of) keeping somebody or something safe 保护 ( 措施 )

queue   v. wait in a line 排队

recycle bin     回收站; 垃圾箱

reset   v. change so as to show a different number, time 重新设置

rid   v. make free 使摆脱

shimmer   v. shine with a soft, unsteady light 闪烁; 发微光

sideways   ad. towards or from the side 斜向一边地

sly   adj. good at deceiving people or doing things in secret 狡猾的

spare   v. keep from punishing, harming, attacking, or killing 赦免; 饶恕

subscriber   n. 订户

swear   v. make a serious promise 发誓

technically   ad. 技术上

unleash   v. release suddenly 释放

warhead   n. the front part of a bomb 弹头

wink   v. close one eye briefly as a way of greeting someone or showing friendliness 眨眼示意

  Phrases and Expressions

a colony of

a group of 一群


surround with a line of police; securely protect 围起警戒线

fire up

start an engine 启动

get rid of

free oneself from 摆脱;打发;抛弃

pour into

arrive or enter somewhere in very large numbers 大量涌入

queue up

stand in a line in order to wait for something 排队等候

in connection with

concerning,about 关于


  Proper Names





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