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   So Sorry to Bug You

 “You’d think after all these years I’d know better than to spread a virus by email.
You’d be wrong.

 The email was from a woman I knew decades ago, back when we were spooning teenagers. We had corresponded electronically maybe three times since then, I swear. The subject line on this latest missive was “Homepage.” The message read, simply: “Hi! You’ve got to see this page! It’s really cool.” It was signed with a goofy emotion, a winking, sideways smiling face-;0). “Ho, ho! You sly thing!” I thought, recalling the feverish summer of ’70... and clicked on the attached file. Pause. Uh-oh.    那封电子邮件来自我几十年前认识的一个女人,那时我们只有十几岁,痴痴地相恋着。我敢发誓,自那以后我们仅通过电子邮件的方式联系过三次左右。这最新的信件的主题是“主页”。正文很简单:“嗨!你一定得看看这个页面。真的很酷哦。”签名处是个傻乎乎的表情,一个挤眉弄眼的笑脸;-0)。“呵呵,你这家伙,够狡猾的!”我心想,思绪回到70年那个狂热的夏天···然后点击了附件。没动静了。哦喔。

 It was the dumbest thing I’d done since 1979, when I pitched a tent on a colony of army ants in Mexico. My screen started shimmering like a Yucatan sunset. I had unleashed a computer virus.   1979年,我在墨西哥把帐篷搭在了一群行军蚁的地盘上。自那以后,这是我做的第二件傻事了。我的屏幕开始微微发亮,就像尤卡坦的落日。我释放了一个计算机病毒。

 I felt like the doctor in The Andromeda Strain; the clock was outracing me. I went to my email program, clicked on File, then selected Work Offline. That, I assumed, would cordon me off from the Net and keep me from spreading the bug while I figured out how to get rid of it. Next I checked my Outbox. Argh! Sixty-five messages were queued up, waiting to be sent to my friends. Each was from me. Each bore the subject line “Homepage.” Each had a file attached, as doom-laden as a warhead.    我感觉自己像是电影《人间大浩劫》里的博士一般,跟时间赛跑。我打开电子邮件程序,点击“文件”,选择“脱机工作”。我想这样一来就可以切断与因特网的联系,不至于传播病毒,再想办法清除。然后我查看了发件箱。天呐!65封邮件排着队,等着发送给我的朋友们,每一封的发件人都是我,每一封的主题都是“主页”,每一封都有一个附件,像子弹一般充满敌意。

I deleted the messages and emptied the Recycle Bin. Then I went to the Web for guidance. Cursing myself for not using an anti-virus program on my home computer, I learned that the Homepage virus is the most common bug — technically, it’s a “worm” — out there. It afflicts only PC users of Microsoft Outlook and would not damage my computer. But it would immediately mail itself to everyone in my address book — that is, everyone to whom I’ve ever sent a Reply message. The worm also resets your browser’s home page to one of four porn sites. This last bit had not happened to mine. Was I spared?    我删除了邮件,清空了回收站,然后上网去找相关资料。我骂自己,怎么不在家用计算机上装一个杀毒软件,然后我得知“主页”病毒是一种最常见的病毒,专业术语叫“蠕虫”,只影响Microsoft Outlook的个人计算机用户,不会破坏我的计算机,但它会很快自动发送到我地址簿里的所有联系人,确切地说是我回复过的每一个联系人。这蠕虫还会把你的浏览器的主页设置成四个色情网站的一个。最后一种情况没有发生在我的计算机上。我是不是逃过一劫了呢?

 Gingerly, I fired up Outlook and connected to the Net. Fifty messages poured into my Inbox. Most were from corporate servers — such as Time Inc.’s — informing me that my email was being returned unopened since it contained a virus. The last message was from my friend Marshall: “If you don’t mind my asking, which homepage?” Double argh! I had spread the accursed worm. I wrote a mea culpa warning, which I mailed to everyone in my address book: Don’t click on that attachment!   我战战兢兢地打开了Outlook,联机工作。50个邮件一下子涌到我的收件箱里。大多数是来自Time Inc.等公司服务器,通知我邮件因为含有病毒而被直接退回。最后一个邮件是我的朋友马歇尔的:“要是你不介意的话,我想问是哪个主页?”天呐!天呐!我已经传播了这个该死的蠕虫。我写了一封道歉邮件,发给地址簿里的每一个联系人,警告他们“别点击附件!”

 The worst part was that many of the people I had emailed were newbiessubscribers who had emailed me for help in connection with this column. Most of these folks were kind; only one asked me to remove her name from my address book. A guy from the Philippines, birthplace of the dread Love Bug virus, wrote, “It is quite ironic that I got a worm from you.”   最糟糕的是,我的邮件收件人很多都是新手,这些订户给我发邮件,要我就与该栏目相关的内容提供帮助。这些人大多数都很友好,只有一个人要求我把她的名字从我的地址簿里删除。有个菲律宾(可怕的爱虫病毒的发源地)的家伙写道,“我从你这儿收到蠕虫,真是够讽刺的。”

 Let that irony be a lesson to you: Never open an attachment, even from a friend, unless you’ve been told to expect it. And always use virus protection. Finally, if you get an email from me whose subject is “Homepage,” run.    从这个讽刺中吸取点教训吧:千万别打开附件,就算是朋友的邮件也不可以,除非你事先得到通知。一定要时时使用病毒防护措施。最后,要是你收到我的电子邮件,主题是“主页”,赶紧溜之大吉。


(513 words)

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007