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 Read and complete> Exercise 3

3. Choose the best answer to each question based on the information you obtain from the passage.

1. Which of the following best summarizes the main idea of the passage? 
A) Employees welcome the free software available on the Internet and they download a lot of it.
B) Employees should be constantly warned about virus threats to ensure the normal functioning of the company's computer system.
C) Employees like to take advantage of the facilities in their companies to handle their personal matters.
D) Employees take anti-virus software, firewalls and IT staff as guarantees for the normal functioning of their PCs.

2."Those long lazy summers" in paragraph 2 refers to __________.  
A) the time when people were not too much bothered by computer viruses
B) the time when people used free documents and executable files
C) the time when people could take a long nap after lunch
D) the time when people frequently encountered different boot sector viruses

3. It can be concluded that __________.  
A) computer virus threats have never been given enough attention
B) computer viruses can be avoided for good with good anti-virus software
C) computer virus threats have always been in the mind of computer users
D) computer viruses can never be avoided even when IT staff regularly update software

4. Employers are likely to do all of the following except that __________. 
A) they criticize their employees for what they don't do well
B) they allow their employees to make some personal telephone calls
C) they do what they can to make their employees feel respected and trusted
D) they allow their employees to send and receive some personal email

5. The best way to minimize the negative influence that computer viruses may bring is __________. 
A) to get the best, up-to-date software
B) to have the best IT department
C) to educate computer users
D) to download free software

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