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 Read and complete > Exercise 13

13. Fill in the blanks with the words given below. Change the form where necessary.

 protection  swear  dumb  colony  delete
 curse  correspond  spare  technologically  dread

1. The Shetlands are famous for their of seabirds.
2. The company now has some of the most advanced design and manufacturing systems in Europe.
3. They the traffic, realizing they would be late again.
4. She's not very diligent at with friends- you scarcely ever get a letter from her.
5. If you 50 words, we can put the whole story on one page.
6. They developed a more effective national policy to fight against this disease.
7. I don't know anything about what has happened, I .
8. We lost everything in the earthquake, but thank God, our lives .
9. The new policy provided for the domestic car industry by imposing import duties(进口关税)on foreign cars.
10. The actress felt that the questions were only set up to make her look , so she just kept silent at the press conference .

©Experiencing English(2nd Edition)2007